Elisa and Chris

I don’t have any pix of the ceremony yet. As always I’m in the picture not behind the camera. I hope I will get some soon. [update: pix courtesy of the fab photog.Herve Pelletier]

Anyway, as the day turned out to be fine after all, the wedding was held down by the White Gates. It’s a very pretty location, two apple trees at the base of an incline with rolling green fields behind them. There is a large stone in between the two trees that provides a good focal point for arranging the wedding party.

I did a little recon about half an hour before the ceremony and went to the spot to check on my positioning and also the bug situation, which wasn’t too bad considering the rain the night before and the sunshine now. The PianistMarinawas there already performing a sound check. I found her to be an elegant and very professional person. The energy she brings to her performance and her eagerness to make sure that everything flows and creates the exact ambiance for the couple is infectious. We chatted a little about the music for the ceremony and our cues, and I wandered back to my room for final prep.

I had advised the groom to not come over to the ceremony site until about 15 minutes before schedule as it was very, very hot and we were in full sun. I took water, bug wipes and my robe over to the site and started my prep. I prefer to be there a little before everyone else as I can check on everything one last time.

The time drew closer and the guests began to arrive. Marina began to play softly in the background, I moved down to the trees. Shortly thereafter the groom and his two bestmen arrived and we discussed the best places for them to stand once the bridal party arrived. Until that time I thought it would be best to stand under the trees in the shade. It turns out being 5 feet 2 inches tall has it’s advantages, as my six feet tall groom found out! Leaves in the ears,  anyone? We exchanged jovial banter to help the groom relax, and before we knew it I could see the Maid of Honour.

The processional began, and the MoH led the way, followed by the two flower girls aged 7 and 4, who were as dignified as the most royal princesses. The Bride was stunning, and I mean stunning. This lady would even look good in a potato sack I am certain. Once handed to her Groom, we broke with tradition, as those who read my blog often, will know is a trend of mine. I moved off to the side and had the couple face their friends and family.

As the ceremony progressed the smiles got bigger and bigger, and the tears larger and larger. The obvious love shared by this couple was beaming over us all. And then it was done! The final kiss and everyone gathered to take a group photo. The recessional music played whilst the cameras clicked and hugs were shared all round.

Everyone retired to the Old Barn for cocktails. And after a few minutes I took my leave, happy in the knowledge that this wonderful couple were headed for some great times together and it was starting this very day.

Congratulations Elisa and Chris!


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